ISCJ Fund Raising Dinner on May 14th raises $311,000

Jazak Allah for all the support from the community for participating in May 14th Fund Raising Dinner. Approximately 350 community members attended the fund raising dinner, the event started on time and ended on time, the red carpet at the entrance, the elaborative tent arrangements, the audio, the video, the multimedia presentation, UNCLE EXCEL (all donations coming in were projected on the screen with some pie chart using Microsoft excel),  were all perfect for the event and no glitches were encountered.

The key note speech by Imaam Mubeen and Imam Karim reminded us that giving will not lessen our private chest so give as much as you can for the cause of Allah.

The entertainment program by Baba Ali was very refreshing. After all the money giving during the fund raising, the audience needed some break and breath of fresh air, Baba Ali definitely met audience’s expectations. Now we know why he has 10 Million hits on his videos on You tube.

The feedback was very positive, utmost professionalism was maintained throughout the event, the event was well liked.

It will be unfair if i don’t commend Mujeeb Rehman for leading the coordination of this event and all EFG members for supporting in marketing, logistics and the event day preparation.

May Allah(s) bless all for the generosity and the continued support of the ISCJ community.

I forgot to mention about food, the verdict is; Appetizers were a hit, main course was so!so!

Reported by:

Faisal Masood
EFG member

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