Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

October 6th Fund raising dinner raises approximately $800,000

November 4, 2012

Jazak Allah to the ISCJ community and others who attended the October 6th annual fund raising dinner and help raised approximately $800,000 for the expansion project.

Inshallah with your donation we will be able to pay for the phase I of the project.

AS always we appreciate the support and we thank all the volunteers and Expansion Funding group who were the main drivers behind this effort.

Please keep us in your Duas and May Allah(s) forgive us our shortcomings.


Faisal Masood
Expansion Funding Group

Urgent Appeal to raise $800,000 to complete the School Building

June 4, 2012

As Salam Alai Kum:

While we were still working on constructing a building for our 1200 students (540 full time and 650 weekend school children), our children continued to get education in the existing trailer building and continued to excel. Masha Allah 23 students will graduate from our full time school; 2 will go to Princeton University, 1 to Caltech, 1 to UPenn, 2 to New York University and remaining to Rutgers University.
This is the story of Islamic Society of Central Jersey, a vibrant and dynamic institution for the last 34 years in Central Jersey. For the last 17 years we have operated under trailer and our students have continued to outperform and have been selected in top most colleges. Help us complete Phase I of this project so that we can move our students from trailer to a building.
Be part of our ongoing journey
Can we count on you for a donation of:
$25, $50, $75 or $100
Donate at

Annual ISCJ Fund Raising Dinner on December 10 at Ramada Hotel, North Brunswick

November 19, 2011

Please support ISCJ expansion project by attending ISCJ Fundraising dinner at Hotel Ramada, North Brunswick on December 10th at 6:00 PM.

Key Note Speaker: Sheikh Monzer Talib

Entertainment by Native Deen

Due to increased demand we have reserved an additional hall for children. Baby Sitting and Children entertainment provided

ISCJ Expansion Funding Group releases a Video in support of expansion project

November 7, 2010

ISCJ Expansion Funding Group releases a video showing the community accomplishments and the services it has been providing to the community for last 35 years.